Thursday, December 17, 2009

What the Bloody Hell is an Aussie Dictionary?

No apologies to the language, as we are here for a lesson on “AussiEnglish”- The Australian style English with never ending slangs that make you smile. Yet, after the laugh, many often find themselves lost in the conversation with no clue on “what the bloody hell is your Aussie mate talking about?”

First of all, Aussies love nicknaming by embellishing the endings of names. They often add on an “O” so if your name is David, you become a “Davo.” Another common ending is “IE” so if you are Christal, you become Christie.

Aussies also love shortening words. Many people have heard of the renowned Australian actor, Paul Hogan, who said “Throw another shrimp on the Barbie,” in an advertisement. To Americans, Barbie is the doll, but “Aussie Barbie” is the delicious barbeque. You will be surprised to see how many shortened, slang words like this when you travel across Australia.

So Cabernet Sauvignon is the “Cab Sav” and Volkswagen becomes the “Vee dub”. You probably know “G’bye” for goodbye but to thank someone, you’ll say “Ta” – so “Ta muchly” is thank you very much!

Other short and unique words, phrases are used to represent incredibly specific things-“cactus” means dead or not functioning; “pommy shower” means someone uses deodorant without taking a shower and a “standover man” is a large guy, usually gang-related, who threatens people with physical violence.

Interesting, isn’t it? Language reflects the culture and culture is its people. AussiEnglish is vibrant, sassy and funny, so are the people.

So, where the bloody hell can you learn more about the Aussies?

Photos from:

By: Christal Fang and Laura Schneebacher

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