Monday, February 23, 2009

E.A.S.T. - Our Core Value

EAST Tours pursues a goal far more than just operating tours: We believe that world travel is a method to bridging all gaps, and EAST Tours will be the bridge-builder.

Ethical Journeys

Travel should always be unforgettable, exciting and rewarding. It should change your life and the lives of those you meet along the way. To further enhance the experience and magnify the benefits, EAST Tours focuses on promoting Ethical Journeys. We feel this is the best way to learn about local cultures and practices, to benefit people and the community, and to rejuvenate the environment and the world. With a philosophy of cross-cultural understanding, personal contact and environmental stewardship, we are dedicated to creating life-changing and life-affirming experiences.

Journeys often start with imagination and expectations, and by opening your heart and mind, hope and love grow without boundaries. Through ethical journeys, we will build a better tomorrow!

Authentic Experiences

The most enduring memories are ones that are real and genuine; simple yet touching. And so meaningful events and special activities are always included when you journey with EAST Tours. Access, participation, engagement and involvement are the touchstones of our itineraries.

Whether you’re sampling a homemade dish, meeting a village elder, teaching a lesson in a school, donating a buffalo to a farmer's family, or helping to sponsor a hearing aid for a deaf child, we believe that good deeds come from the bottom of your heart and originate from authentic interactions.

Sophisticated Style

In our dictionary, 'sophisticated' means luxury and style, passion and inspiration; it is a physical experience plus a state of mind. Five star hotels and upscale restaurants can be easily accessed; but exceptional experiences require much deeper care and thought. At EAST Tours sophisticated travel goes far beyond reservations and operation, it is a mixture of research, organization and analysis. This is the blending of psychology and fine arts.

We understand the true essence of luxury does not come from the infrastructure, so EAST Tours' journeys are always subtle yet audacious, refined and responsible. Service is the cornerstone of our mission. Our dedication to quality comes with faith and compassion that we can touch travelers' hearts and enlighten local people's lives. Our programs are meticulous in their execution and extravagant in their design.

Touching Memories

Travel isn’t just about the destination; it is the journey itself that makes a trip special. You may not remember the exact name of every town you visit, but you will never forget that small child who befriends you and waves you goodbye with tears; you may not recall the location of a certain monastery, the inspiration of the monks' chants will stay with you forever. This is what travel is all about; to grow, expand, live, love and share. It is to offer the best to the world, and to experience the best the world has to offer.

At EAST Tours, we only arrange visits to the world's most stirring destinations and we only focus on journeys that are discriminating, touching, and sublime. We are as exclusive as our clientele, as diligent as our partners. In the words of Jawaharal Nehru, "We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open." A journey with EAST Tours means an experience that opens your mind and touches your heart!

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